Gallery of Bicycle Photos

Valley Bike had a "dream team" of the coolest, most talented and passionate unique people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing! So I took this rag-tag group of non-cyclist and turned them into the best bicycle-friendly customer caring people I have ever had the pleasure of working with, and all of them will forever be considered a life-long friend to me!
Thank you, Ben Salm, Mark DesJaroin, Peter Tomic, Mike Mattioli, Sean Brandenberg, Eric Stewart, Tim Arent, Dusty Schompers, Jed Schleisher, Greg & Brad Cullen, Ellen Lutz (mom), James Lutz (Dad), and Gladys Hendrick (grandfather). These guys made working in the bicycle industry so much fun, I almost pee my pants from all the great stories they still share. Many of these old employees are still in the bicycle industry or at least sharing their great personalities with the outside world.
Sadly and unfortunately, all good things come to an end, and no-thanks to Nepotism and other issues, Valley Bike was sold. But karma always wins in the end :) Because Affordable Bike Repair was born from the ashes to continually serve all of northeastern Wisconsin, keeping all of its customers happy, and to make thousands of new friends/customers with every tune-up!
Thank you also to Joe Mylill who helped every step of the way in constructing the very new and improved "Affordable Bike Repair". Without Joe, I would still be tipping trusses or recovering from some sort of electrocution :).
And lastly, Scott Protheroe, a friend and my most colorful and entertaining employee ever; who unfortunately passed away shortly after spending 3 months helping me build the new "Affordable Bike Repair" shop. I knew "Scooter" for over 25 years and miss him very much!
He was a generous man who always helped those in need, tried his darndest to make sure everyone had a smile on there face, and always had an interesting story to share. Scott, if you can hear us! You are missed greatly!
On a lighter note, I hope you enjoyed your tour of Affordable Bike, and trust you found it informative & entertaining. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns... I will make it better, and there is always a beverage in the fridge.
Thanks, everyone for visiting, and Happy bicycling to all :)
Here are some more pictures of the building process, my life, and those who helped me along the way. Enjoy!